Massage Therapy

For centuries massage therapy has been used to ease muscular tension, alleviate pain and promote relaxation by having a calming effect on the nervous system. Over the last half of this century, however, massage therapy has evolved and is now a regulated health profession in British Columbia. RMTs in BC attain two-and-a-half to three years of education at accredited colleges and sit comprehensive board examinations before attaining licensure. RMTs are now trained in the assessment of soft tissues and joints of the body using orthopedic testing and manual palpation.

Massage therapists are also trained in the treatment and rehabilitation of many common injuries and conditions such as repetitive strain and tendinopathies, sprains, muscle tears or strains, whiplash, TMJ dysfunction, back injuries, frozen shoulder and tension headaches. Massage therapy can also decrease the pain and dysfunction associated with conditions such as arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, fibromyalgia, as well as peripheral neuropathies such as carpal tunnel, thoracic outlet syndrome, sciatic pain, and nerve compression. Massage therapy is also a great way to maximize physical function and decrease the incidence of injuries associated with work, sport and daily activities. Preventatively, regular massage therapy can be used to decrease the likelihood of developing chronic pain and to help develop better posture, mobility and strength.

Your massage therapist may use a variety of techniques such as myofascial release, which involves lengthening the connective tissue in areas of restriction as well as separating muscles from one another when adhered, joint mobilizations that improve range of motion, deep tissue techniques such as muscle stripping or trigger point release to decrease pain and chronic tension, and relaxation techniques which involve kneading, and stroking of the muscles in a rhythmic fashion. Your massage therapist may incorporate exercises, stretches or movement education into your treatment, and provide you with home care that is suited to your physical needs. Whether your goal is to relax and manage stress, or to decrease pain and improve physical function, massage therapy may be of benefit to you.