Laser Therapy
Light is part of the spectrum of electromagnetic radiation, which ranges from radio waves to gamma rays. Low-level-laser-therapy (LLLT) technology utilizes superluminous diodes and lasers to irradiate bodily tissues with light photons of specific wavelengths (visible red and infrared). These particles of energy are absorbed by chromophoric molecules in the treated cells resulting in the conversion of light energy into biochemical energy which can then be used to perform various cellular tasks including:
increased proliferation and migration of repair/remodel cells (fibroblasts)
modulation of the levels of growth factors and inflammatory mediators (cytokines)
increased tissue oxygenation and vascularization via vasodilation
increased immunological cell function (lymphocytes, macrophages)
All this is to say that many of our natural tissue-healing processes are enhanced after exposure to low-level laser and this leads to improved recovery times, reduced pain, and superior outcomes.
Vitality uses the most advance system in low-level laser technology – the Bioflex system that has long been at the leading edge of laser therapy research and development. The multisource superluminous diode arrays can contour to any body region to allow maximum coverage and dosage delivery. The collimated laser head allows for increased depth of photon delivery. The Bioflex control unit allows for full customization of dosage delivery which is vital as the type of injury, stage of injury, and depth of injury all factor in to what dosage a tissue will optimally respond to.
LLLT treatments are non-invasive and pain-free, with mild warming the extent of the treatment experience. Most injuries and conditions have been shown to respond positively to LLLT with very few contraindications to treatment and no adverse effects. Clinical research indicates that for the majority of conditions, 5-15 treatments may be required for significant resolution. However, due to the mechanism of action of LLLT described above, some is always better than none and even a single treatment will have a beneficial effect.
For further information, including primary research articles and a list of conditions that can be treated with low-level laser therapy visit